Personal Guarantee Settlement

Very often you can be left with one or more personal guarantees from a business failure and that can put your personal financial independence at serious risk.
That is where we come in to help.
We will negotiate a reduced settlement with your personally guaranteed creditors to release you from your personal guarantees at significantly reduced levels.
We charge 20% plus VAT of the saving that we agree with the Claimant, for example if the Claim against you was £100K and we agreed a settlement at £20K saving £80K we’d charge £16K plus VAT.
We’ll advise on strategy and approach, and communicate with the Claimant and Third Party Claimant/s or other third parties as necessary.
We may instruct solicitors, counsel or other third parties to file all necessary court papers, attend pretrial conferences and status conferences, prepare appropriate bundles, requests for admissions and requests for production of documents, attend and take appropriate witness statements, and continue settlement negotiations: all such expenses connected thereto will be agreed with you in advance.
If we agree a saving but this proves unsatisfactory to you, we may ask you to pay the Fee as due at the date of termination, as calculated based on the difference between the Settlement Figure agreed by the Claimant and Third Party Claimant/s and the Current Value provided that we have achieved a saving for you.